ApplicationsIX - 176 SCOPIXApplications (cont’d)• Select the trigger mode:Trig. Menu Æ Automatic modeor using the SGLE REFR key.• Use the RUN HOLD key to start acquisition (RUN mode)or use the time base menu.Reminder The acquisition status (Ready, RUN, STOP) is indicated on the right, underthe display of the trace, in the trigger status display zone.• Optimize the time base speed to observe several complete TV lines.# Example of a video signalUse the manual cursors to check the duration of a line.• Display the manual cursors:Menu Æ Measure Æ Manual measurements (dt, dv)or using the key opposite.• To move the cursors freely, select:Measure Menu Æ Unattached cursors.• Use the stylus to position cursors 1 and 2 on the start and end of thesignal, respectively.The measurements between the 2 cursors are indicated under the curvedisplay.# Example: dt = 64.00 μs = duration of a linewww.ShopAEMC.comShop for AEMC products online at: 1.877.766.5412