Micro SD Memory CardII - 24 SCOPIXMicro SD Memory Card (cont’d)Special folder A specific folder on the SD Card, called "metrix", is used for recording filesby the oscilloscope.From within the oscilloscope, the user can only act in this folder:• File creation,• File saving,• File deletion.If, at the moment of file saving, the "metrix" folder does not exist, it isautomatically created."Hot Plugging" It is possible to insert or remove an SD Card from its compartment, evenwhen the oscilloscope is running. Never remove a card while a file is beingwritten on it. Doing so can cause the file save operation to fail, and evendamage the memory card.If a window displaying the memory was open during card insertion/removal,it is recommended to close it, then to open it again to update the display.Formatting theSD CardThe SD Card is formatted using a PC. It cannot be formatted via theoscilloscope.Two options:- either using Windows software directly- or using a specialized software application.See next page.www.ShopAEMC.comShop for AEMC products online at: 1.877.766.5412