CyberSWITCH 13CABLINGThe PC to CyberSWITCH ConnectionUSING AN AMP CONNECTIONIf you want to use out-of-band management, want a replacement for a LAN connection, or wantlocal console access, you need an asynchronous management port (AMP) connection.FOR O UT - OF-B AND M ANAGEMENTOut-of-band management allows you to manage the CyberSWITCH from some remote locationwithout making use of the LAN or WAN connections. Out-of-band refers to the fact that you arenot using normal data channels. The following graphic illustrates an out-of-band connection.Connection instructions:1. At the CyberSWITCH:• complete your LAN and WAN (ISDN) connections• using theampconf Manage Mode command, configure the CyberSWITCH for the modemyou will use• connect a modem to the CyberSWITCH (using the Console connection)• connect the modem to the analog line (use a standard PC modem RS232 cable for this, donot use the supplied cable)2. At the remote management site:• connect the managing PC to a modem• connect the modem to the analog line (use a standard PC modem RS232 cable for this, donot use the supplied cable)FOR LAN R EPLACEMENTThere are two reasons for wanting a LAN replacement:• to provide a connection to manage the CyberSWITCH without using a LAN connection, or• no LAN connection is possible because your PC does not have a NIC card.FOR L OCAL C ONSOLE A CCESSYou may use the AMP connection for local console access. With this type of access allows you touse a directly connected PC, monitor, and keyboard to manage your CyberSWITCH.BRI Term 10BT 10B2 Console DCPower Reset1 2ISDNPOTSPCModem Modem