QUICK START28 CyberSWITCH3. Using the TFTP client on the remote workstation, TFTP the recover1 file to theCyberSWITCH in binary mode. Be sure to use the file’s full pathname. The exact method totransfer varies, depending upon your TFTP client.4. At the system prompt, recover the SSB by issuing the following command:flash recoverThe system will ask you if you are sure you want to remotely recover the SSB, and warn youof the potential risk in case of a power failure while the SSB is being recovered. Answer “yes”to the prompt. The window of vulnerability ends after 5 or 10 seconds, when the system tellsyou that the SSB was successfully recovered.5. After the recovery, delete the file by issuing the command:del \system\recover16. Recover lost space with the command:flash reclaimConsole Messages during SSB Upgrade:R EMOTE U PGRADE OF THE O PERATIONAL S OFTWARE (OSW)To remotely upgrade the operational software, follow these steps:1. From the PC/workstation, Telnet to the CyberSWITCH and login as admin.2. Verify that the system is ready to receive TFTP upgrades:• Enter MANAGE MODE by typingmanage at the system prompt.• Using the MANAGE MODE commandtftp, verify that:• TFTP feature is enabled• TFTP server is enabled• TFTP server is assigned ADMIN file access rightsMessage Suggested Actioncan’t open recover file If you entered a filename after the flash recovercommand, makes sure that the file exists on the system.If you did not enter a filename, make sure that\SYSTEM\RECOVER 1 exists on the system.not enough DRAM tocreate binary imageRemove DRAM-greedy activities on the system, such asconnections to other devices, compression, andauthentication. Reboot if necessary.error in recovery file Make sure that the recover file that you are using is thesame as the one on the CSX CD. Delete, Recover, andreTFTP if necessary.Unable to remotelyrecover SSBHardware failure in the boot device. Contact yourdistributor immediately for a replacement.successfully updated The SSB has been successfully updated.