T ROUBLESHOOTINGThe front panel of the CyberSWITCH has several LED indicators. Refer to page 20 for an illustrationof the front panel. The Power indicator will remain lit while the unit is on. There is a series of threeLAN indicators: they light up indicating transmissions, receptions, or good link integrity on the10Base-T port. The WAN indicators include the Sync, D-Chan, CH-1, and CH-2. Detaileddescriptions of the indicators follow.LOCAL A REA N ETWORK LED INDICATORSThere are three LAN indicators: TX, RX, and 10BaseT. These three indicators provide informationabout the state of the communication link between the CyberSWITCH and the LAN to which it isconnected.1. The 10BaseT indicator signifies connection to a 10Base-T LAN. If there is good link integrity onthe 10Base-T port, this light shines steadily. If a connection other than 10Base-T is used (suchas an AUI connection) or there is no link integrity, this light will not shine.2. The TX indicator signifies that the CyberSWITCH has transmitted data to the LAN. TX flasheswhenever the CyberSWITCH sends at least 128 bytes of data on the LAN.3. The RX indicator signifies that the CyberSWITCH is receiving data from another device on theLAN to which it’s connected.W IDE A REA N ETWORK LED I NDICATORSThe bank of four LED indicators make up the Wide Area Network (WAN) LED indicators. TheWAN LED indicators provide information on the status of the BRI line. The four LED indicatorsinclude: Sync, D-Chan, CH-1, and CH-2.• The Sync indicator identifies whether or not the most basic level of the ISDN connection (Layer1) is established. It verifies that the CyberSWITCH is connected to the ISDN network at this BRIport. This light must be on for D-CHAN, CH-1 or CH-2 to be operational.• The D-Chan indicator signifies data link and D-channel activity. If the D channel is active, theindicator flashes. When a call goes up, the D-Chan indicator flickers momentarily, and thenturn on as the CH-2 indicator turns on. With a second call, the D-Chan indicator flickers mo-mentarily and then the CH-1 indicator turns on.