Small Office Remote Access Switch 29BASICSChange Defaults to Secure System• Using the MANAGE MODE commandfileattr, verify that:• ADMIN has READ/WRITE access to CONFIG files• ADMIN has READ/WRITE access to OTHER files• Exit MANAGE MODE by typingexit .3. Using the TFTP client on the remote workstation, TFTP the UPGRADE.OSW file to theCyberSWITCH in binary mode. Be sure to include the file’s full pathname. The exact methodto transfer varies, depending upon your TFTP client.Note: If you experience a transmission timeout, check the retransmission setting on the TFTPpackage. A retransmission rate of 10 seconds is usually sufficient; values less than thatmay not work properly.If you experience a problem transferring the file with TFTP, wait about three minutesfor the TFTP to fail, delete the incomplete file, and try again.4. Using Telnet, reboot the system by issuing the command:restartIt should take approximately 3 minutes for the system to restart and install the upgrade.5. Login via Telnet and type thever command to confirm that the system software upgradedcorrectly. If the upgrade did not occur, check the system log with thedr command to find anypotential problems, and retry.C HANGE D EFAULTS TO S ECURE S YSTEMThe system is preconfigured with defaults that were designed to make it possible to have yoursystem up and running quickly. After your machine is functioning properly, some of these defaultsshould be changed to make your system more secure. The following configuration changes areneeded to provide this security:1. Either delete User1 and User2 or change their names and secrets.Use Dynamic Management’s manage mode to carry out either of these functions. To enter themanage mode, typemanage at the system prompt. If you have no need for these types ofdevices (PPP devices), simply delete these two devices. At the manage mode prompt, enter thefollowing command:device deleteFollow the on-screen instructions for deleting each device.To change the preconfigured devices’ names and secrets to secure the access to the system,enter the following command at the manage mode prompt:device changeFollow the prompts to change the device name and secret for User1 and User2. After you haveeither deleted or changed the device information, make these changes permanent by enteringthecommit command