Small Office Remote Access Switch 21BASICSSafety ConsiderationsInsert the CD into the drive, change to the proper directory, and enter the following command atthe DOS prompt:[CD-ROM drive]:\[platform directory][ISDN standard directory][option directory]> typeREL_NOTE.TXT | moreFor example, if your CD-ROM is designated as drive D, you are installing is CSX150, using USISDN standards and the IP/IPX option, you would use the following path:D:\CSX150\US\IPX> type REL_NOTE.TXT | moreS AFETY C ONSIDERATIONSThe CyberSWITCH contains a lithium battery to support its time-keeping functions. It is a long-lasting battery, and was not intended to be user-replaceable. In the unlikely event that you have aproblem with the battery, contact your distributor for replacement.CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the sameor equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Discard used batteries according to themanufacturer’s instructions.A CCESSING THE C YBERSWITCHThere are three ways to access the system. The first method uses a console connection through theconsole port on the back of the system, and connects up either a terminal or a workstation/PCexecuting a terminal emulation program. The second method is to Telnet to the system. The thirdmethod uses an AMP connection. We describe each of these methods below.CONNECTING AN A DMINISTRATION CONSOLEThere are two ways to set up a console connection. The first way is to simply connect up an ASCIIterminal to the console port on the back of the system. This method can only be used to configureor manage the system. To install or upgrade system software, you must use the second methoddescribed below.The second way is to use a PC or workstation to connect to the system. The CyberSWITCH doesnot have a CD-ROM drive. Therefore, you must upgrade or install the software through anattached PC, UNIX workstation, or any device that meets the following requirements:• has a CD-ROM drive• provides an RS232 terminal program• has X-Modem communications capability (required for software upgrade only)• has ASCII transfer capability (required for SSB recovery)Any computer or terminal that meets these requirements and connects to the administration porton the system can operate as an administration console.Connect one end of a null modem cable to the console port on the CyberSWITCH, and the otherend to the communication port on the PC. On the PC you must then execute a communicationpackage to emulate a terminal (VT100). Your communication package should support file transfer(Xmodem and ASCII) for software upgrades and installations.