Small Office Remote Access Switch 25BASICSUpgrading SoftwareThe CSX150 CD contains installation, user documentation and upgrade files. The file structure is asfollows:For system upgrade, you will need to follow one of the above-mentioned upgrade paths (\productname\country\protocol or access package). This path not only depends upon product, but also theISDN Standard you will be using and the software options you have purchased. For example:• If you are installing a CSX156 in a geographical area that uses JAPAN ISDN standards, and youhave purchased the IP/IPX software option, use the files found in the \CSX156\JAPAN\ipipxdirectory.• If you are installing a CSX156 in a geographical area that uses JAPAN ISDN standards, and youhave purchased the IP/IPX/AppleTalk/Frame Relay software options, use the files in the\CSX156\JAPAN\ directory.L OCAL SOFTWARE U PGRADETo perform a local upgrade, use any valid local administration console as defined in Connecting anAdministration Console. Update the SSB first, if the Release Notes indicate this is necessary, and thenfollow with the update of the OSW.Directory Contents\ installation program files (SETUP.*)\CSXDOCS\ CSX150 user documentation and Acrobat reader\CSX156\JAPAN\ipipx UPGRADE.OSW, DEFLTCFG.OSW, RECOVER1,RECOVER2, REL_NOTE.TXT\CSX156\JAPAN\ UPGRADE.OSW, DEFLTCFG.OSW, RECOVER1,RECOVER2, REL_NOTE.TXT\CSX156\JAPAN\ipipx.x25 UPGRADE.OSW, DEFLTCFG.OSW, RECOVER1,RECOVER2, REL_NOTE.TXT\CSX156\JAPAN\ipipxat UPGRADE.OSW, DEFLTCFG.OSW, RECOVER1,RECOVER2, REL_NOTE.TXT\CSX156\JAPAN\ UPGRADE.OSW, DEFLTCFG.OSW, RECOVER1,RECOVER2, REL_NOTE.TXT\CSX156\JAPAN\ipipxat.pkt UPGRADE.OSW, DEFLTCFG.OSW, RECOVER1,RECOVER2, REL_NOTE.TXT\CSX156\JAPAN\ipipx.pkt UPGRADE.OSW, DEFLTCFG.OSW, RECOVER1,RECOVER2, REL_NOTE.TXT\CSX156\JAPAN\ipipxat.x25 UPGRADE.OSW, DEFLTCFG.OSW, RECOVER1,RECOVER2, REL_NOTE.TXT