QUICK START34 CyberSWITCH4. Under Security, select Device Level Databases, select On-node Device Entries, then add a devicewhere the Device Name (Central) must match the system name on Central. When you add thedevice you must then enter the following information:a. Under ISDN Information make sure the ISDN Line Protocol is PPP.b. Under ISDN Information you must enter a dial out number (13135551111) and a base datarate (64Kb).c. Under Authentication you must:• Change CHAP Secret so that it matches Central’s System secret (Central_S).• Optional: Configure Calling Line Ids (if Calling Line Id security was enabled).d. Under Bridging you must:• Make sure that Bridging is enabled• Make sure that Make calls for Bridge Data is enabled.5. Under Options, select Bridging, then select Bridge Dial Out. Make sure dial out is enabled. Thenadd the device (Central) that you wish to call when you receive a ethernet packet that is not onthe same LAN as Remote. Note that the bridge dial out configuration is slightly different forRemote than it was for Central.IP ROUTER TO IP ROUTER CONFIGURATIONC ONFIGURATION FOR S ITE "CENTRAL"The configuration on Central to allow IP Routing to Remote using PPP is as follows:1. Perform initial configuration steps.2. Under Options, select Bridging, then disable Bridging. Select IP Routing, then:a. Enable IP Routing.b. Under IP Interfaces add a LAN Interface (IP address Under IP Interfaces add a WAN UnNumbered Interface.3. Under Security, select System Options and Information, then under System Information:a. Set your System Name (Central). This matches up with Central device informationconfigured on Remote.b. Set your System Secret (Central_S). This matches up with Central device informationconfigured on Remote.Site IP Address"Central"LAN IP Address 13135551111"Remote"LAN IP Address 13135552222ISDNSite IP Address SERVICE TX RX 10BASE - TLAN B-CHANNELS E1 ONLYB2 B4 B6 B8 B26 B28B22 B24B18 B20B14 B16B10 B12 B30 L1B1 B3 B5 B7 B25 B27B21 B23B17 B19B13 B15B9 B11 B29 B31E1D T1DCSX1200CSX150