Chapter 2: CyberMONITOR Overview2-12CyberMONITOR User’s GuideCyberMONITOR Help SystemThe CyberMONITOR employs an interactive help system with links to related topics. There arefour ways to access the help system from within the CyberMONITOR:• Click on the HELP button on any window to access the Help Contents page.• From any window within the CyberMONITOR you can obtain help by pressing the F1Function key. A topic window containing information pertaining to the currentconfiguration function will appear. Click once on the window to restore the configurationwindow.• You can place the cursor on an object and click the right mouse button. A “What's This”button will appear. Click on this button to see a pop up window with an associated helptopic.• You can select a list of topics (a Table of Contents) from this HELP window by clicking onthe Contents button.• Click on the FIND button on a Contents page HELP window and type a keyword. The helpsystem will create a database of all the words within the help system and then search all ofthe available help topics and display a list of those topics containing the keyword.Contents PageThe Contents page is organized as a set of books, represented by book icons with a subject title.Double click on any book shown on the Contents page to see the “pages” of topics within thatbook. Double click on any page to open the topic. Within the topics are “Hot Spots” of text, shownin green. Click on any hot spot to display a pop up window or jump to another related help topic.IndexYou can click the Help Contents INDEX button to see an index of topics and related keywords.Click on any topic or keyword to see a list of related help topics.GlossaryYou can double click on the Contents Page book entitled “Glossary” to see a glossary of relatedtechnical terms. You can scroll up and down the Glossary page to view the entries.