Using CyberMONITORCyberMONITOR User’s Guide3-5Enter the Start and Stop times for your monitoring session. Note the AM, and PM buttons. Themaximum interval that can be set for a monitoring session is twenty-four hours, minus one minute.This interval is for a monitoring session that is automatically started, and automatically stopped.For example, setting the Start Time for 10:00 AM, and the Stop Time for 9:59 AM will produce themaximum twenty-four hour (minus one minute) monitoring interval.Long-Term Monitoring SessionsA monitoring session can be made to run indefinitely by not setting a Stop time in the Stop timewindow. Long term monitoring is useful for finding anomalies such as bandwidth overutilizationfor instance, over a long monitoring period. These anomalies will be evident by their amplitude onthe chart, and their occurrence times can be isolated within the limits of screen resolution andmouse sensitivity.There is a practical limit to the length of monitoring sessions, and it is that the resolution of thechart of the interface, or function, monitored will steadily change scale (autoscaling) as timeelapses. If the amount of detail available becomes blurred, use the Zoom function to expand anyselected segment. For added detail, you can successively zoom on a zoomed segment (seeStatistical Data Charts).Primary Monitor WindowThe Primary Monitor Window is shown in Figure 3-6 on the following page.A typical Primary Monitor Window (for the HSIM-W6 device) shows the HSIM Port (Ethernetinterface) and its IP Address, Wide Area Network Port Interfaces, and protocols in use in thedevice that you are monitoring, These show on the Primary Monitor window as panels. The statusconditions (i.e., bandwidth utilization and error statistics) of each port are also shown in eachpanel.Functions such as Inverse Multiplexing, Bridging, IP Routing, IPX Routing, etc. will be shown(with relevant statistics) as panels at the bottom of the Primary Monitor window when they areenabled. The color of the lettering of the title and border of the panels indicates the alarm status;Green indicates no alarms, yellow indicates a Warning condition, and red indicates a Criticalcondition for either bandwidth, or error alarms.