GlossaryCyberMONITOR User’s GuideA-3Firewall — A combination of techniques used to protect one network from unknown networksand users on the outside. Firewalls can filter or block traffic and act as a management and networksecurity point where all traffic can be scrutinized.DTE — Data Terminal Equipment. DTE refers to equipment used in a network as the data sourceand/or destination, such as computers.DTR — Data Terminal Ready. RS232 signal used for indicating to the DCE the readiness totransmit and receive data.DMs — Degraded Minutes - a DS-1 Line Status Error condition. Minutes in which estimatederror rate exceeds 1E-6, but not 1E-3.EtherTalk — AppleTalk protocols running on Ethernet.Filter — Feature to control the flow of data based on protocol or bridge information. Filters canbe specific to allow data through or prevent transmission.Firewall — A combination of techniques used to protect one network from unknown networksand users on the outside. Firewalls can filter or block traffic and act as a management and networksecurity point where all traffic can be scrutinized.Frame — A group of data generated by Data Link Layer operation.In-Band Signaling — Transmission within the frequency range used for data transmission; i.e.,results in use of bandwidth normally reserved for data.IP Address — Internet address. A 32-bit address assigned to devices that participate in a networkusing TCP/IP. An IP address consists of four octets separated with periods defining network,optional subnet and host sections.IPX (Internet Packet Exchange) — A proprietary Network layer protocol developed by Novelland used in NetWare networks.ISDN — Integrated Services Digital Network. Digital transmission standard definingcommunication protocols permitting telephone networks to carry data, voice, fax and otherstreams.LCVs — Line Coding Violation error events - a DS-1 Line Status Error condition. The occurrenceof either a Bipolar Violation (BPV), or Excessive Zeroes (EXZ) error event.