Chapter 3: Using CyberMONITOR3-8CyberMONITOR User’s GuideStatistical Data TablesDouble clicking on any panel in the primary monitor window will produce a statistical data tablefor that module, or function. Figure 3-7 shows the statistical data table for Wide Area networkmodule 1- logical interface number 3 (Wide Area 1-3). At the end of this chapter there is anin-depth discussion of the data displayed in each type of table.Statistic Table Menu ItemsThe statistical data tables employ the following menu items:File Menu• The File menu item gives you the options to Print the table data, or Close the statisticaldata table.Charts Menu• The Charts menu item lets you select the mode that you would like to use to display thedata, i.e., by Chart-by-Bandwidth, Chart-by-Protocols,Chart-by-Bandwidth - provides charting of all the Tx and Rx kilobits per second for aninterface number, or for the entire Wide Area module, or the combined Tx and Rxthroughput for Ethernet modules.Chart-by-Protocols - provides charting of the Tx and Rx kilobits per second for the IP,and IPX Protocol traffic through a Wide Area Module, or combined Tx and Rx kilobits persecond for an Ethernet Module.Help Menu• The Help menu item lets you access a Help page that will display information pertinent tothe table you are viewing.Statistical Table Scroll BarIn the center of the statistical data table is a horizontal scroll bar. This scroll bar is used to accessdata for Interface Numbers that are not currently viewable in the statistical data table. Note theWide Area 1-3 heading in the panels of the statistical data table shown in Figure 3-7. The WideArea 1 designation describes the first Wide Area network interface in the device being monitored.The -3 following Wide Area 1 designates the logical Interface Number represented in the window.Use the scroll bar to scroll the data window across the table to access data pertinent to otherInterface Numbers. As the window for each Interface Number is accessed, the title bar will reflectthe Wide Area port number and the Interface Number separated by a dash, i.e., Wide Area 1-29would represent logical Interface Number 29 for Wide Area network module number 1.