Chapter 3: Using CyberMONITOR3-16CyberMONITOR User’s GuideWide Area Statistical DataThe Wide Area Data Tables contain all the pertinent information about the Wide Area networkinterface port that you are monitoring. The following is a breakdown of these statistics:Alias - This is an alias name that you give to the interface, for convenience.Protocol - Protocol of the interface being monitored (Frame Relay, PPP, etc.). If ProtocolManager is shown under Protocol, see Protocol Manager, below.*Protocol Manager - The statistics for the Protocol Manager will be displayed if theProtocol Manager is managing protocols on the physical WPIM module. The statisticaldata units (Frame Relay or ISDN management packets and control information) that theProtocol Manager reports are: Kilobits IN, In Average Kilobits, In Discards, and UnknownProtocols (see definitions below, and on the following page).Admin Status - Up, Down, or Testing - the “desired” state of the interface.Operational Status - The “actual” state of the interface (Up, Down, or Testing).Kilobits In - the total kilobits input to the interface since the device started.In Utilization since last poll - the input bandwidth utilization (since the last poll) stated as apercentage of the maximum utilization - i.e., 10% of 10000 Kilobits.In Average Kbps - the average rate of kilobits input (averaged over the polling interval), sincethe device started.In Average Kbps - The number of kilobits per second input (averaged over the pollinginterval), since the monitor session started.In Peak Kilobits - the absolute maximum input rate during the monitoring session. The entryis stated as [in peak Rate] @ [time] and [date].Kilobits Out - Total kilobits output since the device was started.Out Utilization since last poll - the output bandwidth utilization (since the last poll) stated asa percentage of the maximum utilization - i.e., 10% of 10000 Kilobits.Out Average Kbps - the average rate of kilobits output (averaged over the polling interval),since the device started.Out Average Kbps - the average kilobits per second output (averaged over the pollinginterval), since the monitor session started.Out Peak Kilobits - the absolute maximum output rate during the monitoring session. Theentry is stated as [out peak Rate] @ [time] and [date].Primary IP Address - the primary IP Address for the interface being monitored.