Using CyberMONITORCyberMONITOR User’s Guide3-17Proxy ARP - When Proxy ARP is enabled, and an ARP request is received, IP RoutingServices sends a Proxy ARP response, with the physical address of the receiving router port inplace of the requested host's physical address.Horizontal Scroll Bar - The horizontal scroll bar in the center of the table is used to scroll thedata table horizontally, to view data for other Interface Numbers. The Interface Numberappears in the Title panels (i.e. Wide Area 1- 3, indicates Wide Area network interface port 1,logical Interface Number 3).Wide Area Packet StatisticsThe packet statistics for a Wide Area network interface port are shown below. These statisticsappear below the horizontal scroll bar in the Wide Area statistical data table.Total Packets In - The total packets input to the interface (Interface Number displayed) sincethe device was started.In Errors - The total number of input errors since the monitored device was started.In Discards - The total number of input packets discarded for any reason, since the monitoreddevice was started.Unknown Protocols - Any protocol the interface (Interface Number displayed) hasencountered, that cannot be processed.Total Packets Out - The total number of packets output by the interface (Interface Numberdisplayed), since the device was started.Out Errors - The total number of output errors since the device was started.Out Discards - The total number of output packets discarded (for any reason) since the devicewas startedWide Area Data Table Function MenuThe three menu items at the top of the Wide Area Network Interface Statistic Table are describedbelow:File - The File menu item lets you access Print, (prints the table to your selected printer), orClose, which closes the table window.Charts - Lets you access graphic representations of statistics shown in the Wide Area DataTable (for the logical interface number selected for a Wide Area network interface). You canchart by; Bandwidth, by Protocols, by Interface Number, or by Module.Help - Accesses a Help page with information about the window you are viewing.