Chapter 6: Cabletron MIBPage 6-36Fast Network 10 MIB Reference GuideThe filter group consists of the following parameters:sxfilterMaxCount {sxfilter 1}Integer Read-OnlyThe maximum number of combination filters that may be defined for the FN10.This is always 100.sxfilterCurrentCount {sxfilter 2}Integer Read-OnlyThe number of combination filters currently defined for the FN10.sxfilterDeleteID {sxfilter 3}Integer Read-WriteA filter identifier used for deleting filters. After the NMS sets this field, the FN10deletes the sxfilterEntry that has a matching filter ID field, and resets this field tozero. The FN10 then updates sxfilterCurrentCount, sxfilterNextID, and the entiresxfilterTable.sxfilterNextID {sxfilter 4}Integer Read-OnlyA filter identifier used for adding filters. See sxfilterAddID.sxfilterAddID {sxfilter 5}Integer Read-WriteA filter identifier used for adding filters. After the NMS sets this field, the FN10adds the sxfilterEntry indexed by sxfilterAddIndex. The FN10 then updatessxfilterCurrentCount, sxfilterNextID, and the entire filterTable. Note that ifsxfilterAddID does not match sxfilterNextID, then the FN10 will not add theentry, since the SetRequest for sxfilterAddID must have been a duplicate packet.sxfilterAddIndex {sxfilter 6}Integer Read-WriteThe index within sxfilterTable, after which a filter should be added. IfsxfilterAddIndex contains zero, then the filter should be added as the firstsxfilterEntry within sxfilterTable.