Chapter 6: Cabletron MIBPage 6-46Fast Network 10 MIB Reference GuidesxlpbkDestAddr {sxlpbkEntry 3}MacAddress Read-WriteThe MAC address of the target device, only needed for remote loopback.sxlpbkPktNum {sxlpbkEntry 4}Integer Read-WriteThe number of loopback packets to be transmitted.sxlpbkInterval {sxlpbkEntry 5}TimeTicks Read-WriteThe desired time delay between the reception of a looped back packet, and thetransmission of the next packet to be looped back.sxlpbkPktLength {sxlpbkEntry 6}Integer Read-WriteThe length (in octets) of the loopback packet. The values of the data itself areautomatically selected by the FN10.sxlpbkIncrements {sxlpbkEntry 7}Integer Read-WriteThe number of bytes of data to be added to the loopback packet after eachsuccessful loopback packet transmission and reception. When the port’smaximum packet size has been reached, the FN10 automatically begins again,starting with sxlpbkPktLength.sxlpbkGoods {sxlpbkEntry 8}Counter Read-OnlyThe number of packets successfully looped back. This number is automaticallyreset to zero, whenever loopback operation is initiated.sxlpbkErrorNoReceives {sxlpbkEntry 9}Counter Read-OnlyThe number of packets which were transmitted, but not received. This number isautomatically reset to zero, whenever loopback operation is initiated.sxlpbkErrorBadReceives {sxlpbkEntry 10}Counter Read-OnlyThe number of transmitted packets which were received with different datapatterns. This number is automatically reset to zero, whenever loopbackoperation is initiated.