Es-1xe GroupFast Network 10 MIB Reference GuidePage 6-21• Bit 21 is reserved• Bits 20-18 are reservedExactly one of the special entry bits (bits 17-10) must be set for entry-otherentries, and none of the bits may be set for other than entry-other entries:• entry-all-lmas = 17, if set then this is an all LMAs (Local Management Agent)address, i.e., packets are sent to the LMA and forwarded throughout thebridged network, only if the receiving port is in the proper state. The IEEESpanning Tree All LANs Bridge Management Group Address should be theonly instance of this entry.• entry-any-lma = 16, if set then this is an address for packets to be sent to theLMA, regardless of the receiving port’s state. This is reserved for futureenhancements.• entry-lma = 15, reserved for future enhancements.• entry-port = 14, if set then this is an address for packets to be sent to the LMA.If the receiving port is the port specified by the addrPort field (defined below),then the packets should be sent to the LMA, regardless of the receiving port’sstate; otherwise, the packets should only be sent if the receiving port is in theproper state and the port specified by addrPort is in the proper state. Eachport’s MAC address is an instance of this entry.• entry-bpdu = 13, if set then this is a bridging protocol address, i.e., an addressfor packets to be sent to the PPE; there are two such addresses the BridgeGroup Address of IEEE 802.1 Part D Spanning Tree Protocol (normally01-80-C2-00-00-10), and the Cabletron Trunking Protocol Group Address(normally 01-40-27-00-54-72).• entry-reserved = 12, if set then this is a reserved address, and the packets mustbe discarded.• Bits 11-10 are reserved for future expansion.• Bits 9-0 are reserved.sxaddrMAC {sxaddr 6}MAC Address Read-WriteThe MAC address for this address definition.sxaddrPort {sxaddr 7}Integer Write-IgnoreThe port through which this address is connected to the FN10 (only valid forentry-dynamic-local and entry-port entries).