Chapter 6: Cabletron MIBPage 6-40Fast Network 10 MIB Reference GuidesxfilterSrcLan {sxfilterEntry 13}Integer Read-WriteEither the port number from which the packet is received, or the value of any oneof the group identifiers defined by sxsifLan1, sxsifLan2, sxsifLan3, or sxsifLan4for that port.sxfilterOffset {sxfilterEntry 14}Integer Read-WriteZero-based offset of an arbitrary field within the packet. Depending upon thevalue of sxfilterFlags, the offset is relative to the start of the packet, beginningwith the little endian MAC addresses; or, the offset is relative to the start of thedata past the IP header (and, the packet must be an IP packet with a valid IPheader); or, the offset is relative to the start of the data past the Source Routinginformation (presence of Source Routing information is optional); or the offset isrelative to past the frame type information. (Refer to Appendix A for IP, UDP,and TCP header diagrams.)sxfilterField {sxfilterEntry 15}Octet String Read-WriteAn 8 octet value to be compared to the contents of the arbitrary field within thepacket.sxfilterMask {sxfilterEntry 16}Octet String Read-WriteAn 8 octet mask to be applied to the arbitrary field within the packet, beforecomparing it to sxfilterField.sxfilterThreshold {sxfilterEntry 17}Integer Read-WriteReserved.sxfilterThreshTime {sxfilterEntry 18}Integer Read-WriteReserved.sxfilterThreshFlag {sxfilterEntry 19}Integer Read-OnlyReserved.