Chapter 5: PPP MIBPage 5-2Fast Network 10 MIB Reference GuidepppLinkStatusBadAddresses {pppLinkStatusEntry 2}Counter Read-onlyThe number of packets received with an incorrect address field. This counter is acomponent of the ifInErrors variable that is associated with the interface thatrepresents this PPP Link.pppLinkStatusBadControls {pppLinkStatusEntry 3}Counter Read-onlyThe number of packets received on this link with an incorrect control field. Thiscounter is a component of the ifInErrors variable that is associated with theinterface that represents this PPP Link.pppLinkStatusPacketTooLongs {pppLinkStatusEntry 4}Counter Read-onlyThe number of received packets that have been discarded because their lengthexceeded the MRU. This counter is a component of the ifInErrors variable that isassociated with the interface that represents this PPP Link.pppLinkStatusBadFCSs {pppLinkStatusEntry 5}Counter Read-onlyThe number of received packets that have been discarded due to having anincorrect FCS. This counter is a component of the ifInErrors variable that isassociated with the interface that represents this PPP Link.pppLinkStatusLocalMRU {pppLinkStatusEntry 6}Integer Read-onlyThe current value of the MRU for the local PPP Entity. This value is the MRUthat the remote entity is using when sending packets to the local PPP entity. Thevalue of this object is meaningful only when the link has reached the open state(ifOperStatus is up).Set to 8192 for the maximum HIOM frame size.NOTEPackets which are longer than the MRU but which aresuccessfully received and processed are NOT included in thiscount.