Safety Belt Use During PregnancySafety belts work for everyone, including pregnantwomen. Like all occupants, they are more likely to beseriously injured if they do not wear safety belts.A pregnant woman should wear a lap-shoulder belt, andthe lap portion should be worn as low as possible,below the rounding, throughout the pregnancy.The best way to protect the fetus is to protect the mother.When a safety belt is worn properly, it is more likely thatthe fetus will not be hurt in a crash. For pregnant women,as for anyone, the key to making safety belts effectiveis wearing them properly.Safety Belt ExtenderIf the vehicle’s safety belt will fasten around you,you should use it.But if a safety belt is not long enough, yourdealer/retailer will order you an extender. When yougo in to order it, take the heaviest coat you will wear,so the extender will be long enough for you. To helpavoid personal injury, do not let someone elseuse it, and use it only for the seat it is made to fit.The extender has been designed for adults. Never useit for securing child seats. To wear it, attach it to theregular safety belt. For more information, see theinstruction sheet that comes with the extender.1-27