Digital Signal Processing (DSP)This feature is used to provide a choice of four differentlistening experiences. DSP can be used while listening tothe audio system or a CD. To change the DSP mode,press the a knob until the DSP control label displays.Press the pushbutton located under the DSP label untilthe control labels display. Continue by pressing thedesired button below the control labels on the display.For more information on the control label displays,see the following:• Norm (Normal): Select this screen button to adjustthe audio for normal mode. This provides the bestsound quality for all seating positions.• Driv (Driver): Select this screen button to adjustthe audio for the driver to receive the bestpossible sound quality.• Rear: Select this screen button to adjust the audiofor the rear seat passengers to receive the bestpossible sound quality.• Surround (Centerpoint® ): Select this screen buttonto enable Bose® Centerpoint signal processingcircuitry. Centerpoint produces a full vehicle surroundsound listening experience from a CD, MP3/WMA,or XM stereo digital audio source and delivers fiveindependent audio channels from conventional twochannel stereo recordings. (Not available for AM,FM, or auxiliary sources.)DSP is only available on vehicles that have the BosePremium audio system.Finding a Category (CAT) StationCAT (Category): The CAT button is used to find XMstations while the radio is in the XM mode. To findXM channels within a desired category, performthe following:1. Press the BAND button until the XM frequencydisplays. Press the CAT button to display thecategory tabs. Continue pressing the CAT buttonuntil the desired category name displays. Anotherway to select a category is to press the s REVor \ FWD button until the desired category isselected.2. Press either of the two pushbuttons below thedesired category tab to immediately tune to thefirst XM station associated with that category.3. Turn the a knob, press the pushbuttons below thedisplayed right or left arrows, or press either SEEKarrow to go to the previous or the next XM stationwithin the selected category.4. To exit the category search mode, press theFAV button or BAND button to display yourfavorites again.3-104