3. Select the street name field.Enter the street name. Donot enter directional informationor street type. Use the spacescreen button between streetand city names. For example,enter N. Royal Oak Rd asRoyal Oak. Use the backspace( q ) screen button to deletean incorrect character.A list displays if four or fewernames are available. If there aremore than four, there is amatch counter with a number ofavailable streets. Select thelist button to view the listand select the street.4. Select the city from the list orenter the city name.5. Enter the house number. Thisfield is automatically selected.6. Press the OK button or thepreset 6 on the faceplate.The address information screendisplays the address entered.7. Select the GO screen if correct.The route will calculate.8. Select the route preference forfastest, shortest, or easiest.The chosen route preferencehighlights. See “NavigationSettings” under Configure Menuon page 63.9. Select the Start screen buttonand the route is calculated.See “Address Entry” underDestination on page 52.Entering a Point of Interest (POI)To set a destination by enteringa Point of Interest (POI):1. Press the O to turn thesystem on.2. A caution could appear. Touchthe OK screen button toproceed.3. Press the DEST hard key.4. Press the Point of Interest screenbutton.5. Enter the specific title of thePOI in the POI name space(i.e. Washington Monument).If four or less names areavailable, a list displays. If morethan four are available, thereis a match counter with a numberin it, representing the numberof available POI names. Selectthe List button to view thelist. Select the POI.6. Select the Go screen button. Thesystem calculates the route.7. Select the route preference(Fastest, Shortest, or Easiest).The system highlights the route.8. Select the Start Guidance screenbutton. The route is now ready tobe started.See “Point of Interest (POI)” underDestination on page 5210 Infotainment System