Traffic Flow Status — Enables ordisables the green, yellow, red andblack arrows that display besidethe roads and shows the traffic flowor extent of a traffic event.• Black indicates a closed roadsegment• Red indicates significantlyimpaired traffic flow with averagespeed of less than 40 km(25 mph).• Yellow indicates slightly impairedtraffic flow with average speedbetween 40 km and 73 km(25 and 45 mph).• Green indicates normal trafficflow with average speedabove 73 km (45 mph).Traffic flow data arrows display onthe map when scaled up toeight miles. Closed Road,Traffic Delays, Incidents, andAdvisories — Select the traffic eventICONS that appear on the mapscreens.Alert for Approaching TrafficEvents: When On, if anapproaching traffic event is withinthe alert range, one of two trafficalerts display:• With no route planned, while onexpressways, ApproachingTraffic Event without Avoidscreen displays.• With route planned, Traffic Eventon Route screen displays. If theAlert for Approaching TrafficEvents is Off, the alert does notdisplay.On RouteSelect the On Route touch screenbutton to display all events ahead onthe current active route. No trafficevents reported on route displays ifthere are none to report.NameSelect the Name touch screenbutton to display traffic events inalphabetical order.Infotainment System 67