BACK: Press to return to theprevious screen in a menu. TheBack button does not work inprimary display screens, such asphone, sound settings, configuresettings, info screens, map screen,or audio screen.NAV m n: Press to make the screengo up and down. In the up position,all touch screen buttons can beviewed and used. In the downposition, a portion of the screendisplays the current audio sourceand temperature.Touch Screen ButtonsTouch screen buttons are on thescreen and are highlighted when afeature is available. Some togglescreen buttons highlight when activeand grey-out when inactive.Alpha-Numeric KeyboardLetters of the alphabet, symbols,punctuation, and numbers,when available, display on thenavigation screen as alphaor numeric keyboard. The alphakeyboard displays when data needsto be entered.All characters are touch screenbuttons. Touch to select.À-Ý (Accent Alphabet): To selectletters with accent symbols.A-Z (Alphabet): To select lettersfrom the alphabet.Symbols: To select symbols.U (Space): To enter a spacebetween characters or the words ofa name.q (Backspace): The backspacescreen button is used to deletean incorrect character that has beenselected.To make name selection easier, thesystem highlights only charactersthat are available after thepreviously entered one.If a name does not display afterentry, try entering it differently. Themap database may not containall information.42 Infotainment System