To avoid damage to the CD/DVDplayer:• Do not use scratched ordamaged discs• Do not apply labels to discs. Thelabels could get caught in theplayer.• Insert only one disc at a time.• Keep the loading slot freeof foreign materials, liquids anddebris.If a description label is needed, trylabeling the top of the disc usinga marking pen.Loading and Ejecting DiscsTo load a disc:1. Turn the ignition on.2. Insert a disc into the slot, labelside up. The player pulls it inthe rest of the way. If the disc isdamaged or improperly loaded,there is an error and the discejects.The disc automatically plays onceloaded.Press Z to eject a disc from theCD/DVD player. If the disc isnot removed within a short period oftime, it automatically is pulledback into the player.Playing a CD/DVDA disc must be loaded to select thesource.When a disc is loaded, the DISCicon displays.There are two ways to play aCD/DVD:• Insert the disc (tilt slightly ifnecessary) and play startsautomatically.• Press the CD/AUX/HDD hardkey, then touch the DISCscreen button.Playing an Audio CDA track number displays at thebeginning of each track. Song,Artist, and Album informationdisplays when available.20 Infotainment System