This symbol indicates that a menuis available and displays on theleft side of the screen. Pressthis symbol or the SELECT hardkey to access the screen menu.Driving on a RouteWhile driving on a route, the nextmaneuver the map screen displaysis either as an Urgent maneuveror a Non-Urgent maneuver.Urgent ManeuverAn Urgent Maneuver is displayedwhen the next maneuver is less thanor equal to 0.8 km (0.5 mi) awayon a residential road or is less thanor equal to 1.5 km (2 miles) awayon freeway.Non-Urgent ManeuverA non-urgent maneuver is whenyour distance to the next maneuveris greater than 0.8 km (0.5 mi)when driving on a residential roador is greater than 1.5 km (2 miles)when driving on a freeway.Driving on the HighwayDriving on the Residential RoadInfotainment System 49