Genres: Select to view the genreson the hard drive. Select a genreto view a list of all songs ofthat genre. Select a song from thelist. Once selected, Genre Modedisplays.Recently Saved: Select to view alist of the 50 most recently savedsongs to the HDD. Once selected,Recently Saved Mode displays.Saving HDD FavoritesDuring HDD playback, to save thecurrent song playing to a categorypreset:• Press the FAV hard key until theFAV playlist category displays.• Touch and hold a preset buttonon the bottom of the screenuntil the Saved to Favoritesmessage displays.To save an entire Artist, Albume, orGenre to a FAV category preset:• Press the FAV hard key until thecorrect FAV category appears.• Touch and hold a preset buttonon the bottom of the screen.Playing HDD FavoritesFavorites can be played twodifferent ways.1. Press the FAV hard key until theappropriate FAV HDD categorydisplays.Touch a preset button at thebottom of the HDD screen.2. Select FAV from the HDDMusic Menu. Favorite Artist,Album and Genre are inthe corresponding list.USB Host SupportThe USB connector uses theUSB 2.0.USB Supported Devices• USB flash sticks or pen drives.• Portable USB Hard Drives.Special care needs to betaken related to the power sourceof these devices (USB buspowered vs. external power).• Portable media adapters thatsupport SD Flash, CompactFlash, or SD Micro.Depending on the USB massstorage device, some devices mightnot be recognized.Music can be played directly fromthe USB device and controlledthrough MP3 control functionsand menu.Infotainment System 31