• To increase or decrease thevoice volume during a voicerecognition session, turnthe volume knob of the radio, orpress the volume steeringwheel control buttons. If thevolume is adjusted during a voicerecognition session, a VoiceVolume bar appears on thescreen showing the voice volumelevel as it is being adjusted.This also changes the volume ofthe guidance prompts.Voice Recognition HelpTo enter the help playback session,clearly speak one of the helpcommands.Help: The system plays back morespecific help commands (such asRadio Help, Display Help,Navigation Help) for the user tochoose from.Radio [help]: The system playsback helpful advice about radiocommands, and some commonradio commands which areavailable. Use this command tolearn about how to select a band(AM or FM), and how to changeradio stations (by speakingfrequency numbers).(CD/DVD/ Disc) [help]: The systemplays back helpful advice aboutdisc commands, and some commondisc commands which areavailable. Use this command tolearn about how to select Disc modeplayback, and how to changetrack numbers.Display [help]: The system playsback helpful advice about displaycommands, and some commondisplay commands which areavailable to adjust the displaysetting.Navigation [help]: The systemplays back helpful advice aboutnavigation commands, and somecommon navigation commandswhich are available.Voice Recognition CommandsThe following list shows the voicecommands available for thenavigation system with a briefdescription of each. The commandsare listed with the optional wordsin brackets. To use the voicecommands, see the instruction listedpreviously.Display CommandsDisplay [set] day [mode], display[select] day [mode]: Thiscommand instructs the system toswitch the display to day mode.Display [set] night [mode], display[select] night [mode]: Thiscommand instructs the system toswitch the display to night mode.Display [set] auto [mode], display[select] auto [mode]: Thiscommand instructs the system toswitch the display to auto mode.88 Infotainment System