Traffic IconWhen traffic conditions are found inthe local area, the Traffic Iconappears in the lower left-side ofthe map.The Traffic Icon has three differentcondition displays. These are:• No icon displays if there is noXM NavTraffic™ subscriptionor traffic events.• A single car icon displays if thereare traffic events in the area, butnone are on route.• A multiple car icon displays ifthere are traffic events on theroute.It could take some time to sort thereceived information. The list oftraffic conditions display in the orderof distance from the vehicle, forup to approximately 125 km (75 mi).With a route planned, trafficevents display on the route. Not alltraffic conditions may display.To view the traffic condition locationand information on the map:1. Press the NAV key to show themap, then press the SELECThard key for the map menu.2. Scroll down and select the Trafficscreen button. A list of trafficconditions with distance from thevehicle’s current positiondisplays.Infotainment System 65