Canceling Voice Recognition1. Press and release $ steeringwheel control button to cancela command, or if the systemresponse does not matchthe verbal command.2. The system replies, “Voicerecognition canceled”.Pressing any other radio orsteering wheel control, other thanthe volume knob or the volumesteering wheel control buttoncancels the session.3. Press and release the talksymbol steering wheel controlbutton to restart the voicerecognition session.Helpful Hints for SpeakingCommands• When a multiple command isavailable, choose the commandthat best works for you.• Words that are in brackets areoptional. For example, thecommand “Radio [band] FM”,saying “Radio FM” or “RadioBand FM” are both validcommands.• Words that are separated by a( / ) mean there is a choice ofusing a word on either side of theslash. For example, thecommand (CD/DVD/Disc) [help],you can say “CD [help]” or“DVD [help]” or “Disc [help]”.• When the system recognizes thecommand the system will eitherperform the function or askto confirm the choice by clearlysaying “yes” or “no”.• When the system does notrecognize the command,the system issues an errormessage such as “pardon” or“command not recognized”. Thesystem could also say, “voicerecognition canceled”.• If experiencing difficulty with thesystem recognizing a command,confirm that the command iscorrect. Try saying the commandclearly or wait for a briefmoment after the beep.• Background noise such as aclimate control fan positionedon high, open windows, and veryloud outside noises, even ifthe windows are closed,can cause voice commands tobe misunderstood• This system is able to recognizecommands in different languages,such as English, French(Canadian), and Spanish (Latin).The system only recognizescommands based on thelanguage selected.Infotainment System 87