5-48 Instruments and ControlsAccess) on page 2‑7 or “KeylessLocking” later in this section formore information.Press the customization button untilRemote Door Lock appears on theDIC display. Press the set/resetbutton once to access the settingsfor this feature. Then press themenu up/down button to scrollthrough the following settings:Off: There will be no feedbackwhen you press the lock button onthe transmitter.Lights Only: The exterior lampswill flash when you press the lockbutton on the transmitter.Horn Only: The horn will sound onthe second press of the lock buttonon the transmitter.Horn & Lights (default): Theexterior lamps will flash when youpress the lock button on thetransmitter, and the horn will soundwhen the lock button is pressedagain within five seconds of theprevious command.No Change: No change will bemade to this feature. The currentsetting will remain.To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desiredsetting is displayed on the DIC.Remote Door Unlock FeedbackThis feature allows you to select thetype of feedback you will receivewhen unlocking the vehicle with theRemote Keyless Entry (RKE) orkeyless access transmitter, or whenthe vehicle is automaticallyunlocked using the Keyless Unlockfeature. You will not receivefeedback when unlocking thevehicle with the transmitter if thedoors are open. See RemoteKeyless Entry (RKE) SystemOperation (Key Access) onpage 2‑5 or Remote Keyless Entry(RKE) System Operation (KeylessAccess) on page 2‑7 or “KeylessUnlock” later in this section for moreinformation.Press the customization button untilRemote Door Unlock appears onthe DIC display. Press the set/resetbutton once to access the settingsfor this feature. Then press themenu up/down button to scrollthrough the following settings:Lights Off: The exterior lamps willnot flash when you press the unlockbutton on the transmitter.Lights On (default): The exteriorlamps will flash when you press theunlock button on the transmitter.No Change: No change will bemade to this feature. The currentsetting will remain.To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desiredsetting is displayed on the DIC.Exit LightingThis feature allows you to select theamount of time you want theexterior lamps to remain on when itis dark enough outside. Thishappens after the key is turned fromON/RUN to LOCK/OFF.