7-6 Infotainment SystemConfiguring the Number ofFavorite PagesThe number of favorite pages canbe set up using the CONFIG button.To setup the number of favoritepages:1. Press the CONFIG button todisplay the radio setup menu.2. Press the softkey located belowthe FAV tab.3. Select the desired number offavorites pages by pressing thesoftkey located below thedisplayed page numbers.4. Press the FAV button, or let themenu time out, to return to theoriginal main radio screenshowing the radio stationfrequency tabs and to begin theprocess of programmingfavorites for the chosen numberof pages.Speed CompensatedVolume (SCV)A radio with SCV automaticallyadjusts the sound to compensate forroad and wind noise as the vehiclespeeds up or slows down, so thatthe volume is consistent whiledriving. To activate SCV:1. Set the radio volume to thedesired level.2. Press the CONFIG button todisplay the radio setup menu.3. Press the softkey under theAUTO VOL tab on the radiodisplay.4. Press the softkey under thedesired Speed CompensatedVolume setting (OFF, Low, Med,or High) to select the level ofradio volume compensation. Thedisplay times out afterapproximately 10 seconds. Eachhigher setting allows for moreradio volume compensation atfaster vehicle speeds.Noise Compensation TechnologyIf the vehicle has the radio with DVDAudio, HDD, and USB, it has BoseAudioPilot ® noise compensationtechnology.When turned on, AudioPilotcontinuously adjusts the audiosystem equalization, to compensatefor background noise.To activate AudioPilot:1. Press the CONFIG button todisplay the radio setup menu.2. Press the softkey under theAUTO VOL tab on the radiodisplay.3. Press the softkey below the Onor Off tab located under theAUTO VOL display to turn thisfeature on or off. The displaytimes out after approximately10 seconds.This feature is most effective atlower radio volume settings wherebackground noise can affect howthe music being played through thevehicle's audio system is heard. At