Vehicle Care 10-992. Unwrap the air only hose (G)and the power plug (H).3. Place the kit on the ground.Make sure the tire valve stem ispositioned close to the groundso the hose will reach it.4. Remove the tire valve stem capfrom the flat tire by turning itcounterclockwise.5. Attach the air only hose (G) ontothe tire valve stem by turning itclockwise until it is tight.6. Plug the power plug (H) into theaccessory power outlet in thevehicle. Unplug all items fromother accessory power outlets.See Power Outlets onpage 5‑9.If the vehicle has an accessorypower outlet, do not use thecigarette lighter.If the vehicle only has a cigarettelighter, use the cigarette lighter.Do not pinch the power plugcord in the door or window.7. Start the vehicle. The vehiclemust be running while using theair compressor.8. Turn the selector switch (A)clockwise to the Air Onlyposition.9. Press the on/off (B) button toturn the compressor on.The compressor will inflate thetire with air only.10. Inflate the tire to therecommended inflationpressure using the pressuregauge (C). The recommendedinflation pressure can be foundon the Tire and LoadingInformation label. See TirePressure on page 10‑74.The pressure gauge (C) mayread higher than the actual tirepressure while the compressoris on. Turn the compressor offto get an accurate reading. Thecompressor may be turned on/off until the correct pressure isreached.If you inflate the tire higherthan the recommendedpressure you can adjust theexcess pressure by pressingthe pressure deflationbutton (D), if equipped, until theproper pressure reading isreached. This option is onlyfunctional when using the aironly hose (G).11. Press the on/off button (B) toturn the tire sealant andcompressor kit off.Be careful while handling thetire sealant and compressor kitas it could be warm afterusage.