1-24 In BriefOnStar ®For vehicles with an active OnStar ®subscription, OnStar uses severalinnovative technologies and liveAdvisors to provide a wide range ofsafety, security, navigation,diagnostics, and calling services.Automatic Crash ResponseIn a crash, built in sensors canautomatically alert an OnStarAdvisor who is immediatelyconnected to the vehicle to see ifyou need help.How OnStar Service WorksQ : This blue button connects youto a specially trained OnStarAdvisor to verify your accountinformation and to answerquestions.] : Press this red emergencybutton to get priority help fromspecially trained OnStar EmergencyAdvisors.X : Press this button forhands‐free, voice‐activated callingand to give voice commandsfor Hands‐Free Calling andTurn‐by‐Turn Navigation.Automatic Crash Response,Emergency Services, Crisis Assist,Stolen Vehicle Assistance, VehicleDiagnostics, Remote Door Unlock,Roadside Assistance, Turn‐by‐TurnNavigation and Hands‐Free Callingare available on most vehicles. Notall OnStar services are available onall vehicles. For more informationsee the OnStar Owner's Guide orvisit www.onstar.com (U.S.) orwww.onstar.ca (Canada), contactOnStar at 1-888-4-ONSTAR(1‐888‐466‐7827) or TTY1‐877‐248‐2080, or press Q tospeak with an OnStar Advisor24 hours a day, 7 days a week.For a full description of OnStarservices and system limitations, seethe OnStar Owner's Guide in theglove box.OnStar service is subject to theOnStar terms and conditionsincluded in the OnStar SubscriberInformation.OnStar service requires wirelesscommunication networks and theGlobal Positioning System (GPS)satellite network. Not all OnStarservices are available everywhereor on all vehicles at all times.OnStar service can’t work unlessyour vehicle is in a place whereOnStar has an agreement with awireless service provider for servicein that area, and the wirelessservice provider has coverage,network capacity, reception, andtechnology compatible with OnStar's