2-6 Keys, Doors and WindowsThe vehicle comes with twotransmitters. Each transmitter willhave a number on top of it,“1” or “2”. These numberscorrespond to the driver of thevehicle. For example, the memoryseat position for driver 1 will berecalled when using the transmitterlabeled “1”, if enabled through theDIC. See “Memory Seat” underPower Seat Adjustment onpage 3‑4 and VehiclePersonalization on page 5‑45 formore information.Programming Transmitters tothe VehicleOnly RKE transmitters programmedto the vehicle will work. If atransmitter is lost or stolen, areplacement can be purchased andprogrammed through your dealer.When the replacement transmitter isprogrammed to the vehicle, allremaining transmitters must also beprogrammed. Any lost or stolentransmitters no longer work once thenew transmitter is programmed.Each vehicle can have up to eighttransmitters programmed to it.Battery ReplacementReplace the battery if the ReplaceBattery In Remote Key messagedisplays in the DIC. See “ReplaceBattery In Remote Key” under Keyand Lock Messages on page 5‑36for additional information.Notice: When replacing thebattery, do not touch any of thecircuitry on the transmitter. Staticfrom your body could damage thetransmitter.To replace the battery:1. Separate the transmitter with aflat, thin object inserted into thenotch, located above themetal base.2. Remove the old battery. Do notuse a metal object.3. Insert the new battery, positiveside facing up. Replace with aCR2032 or equivalent battery.4. Snap the transmitter backtogether.