2-4 Keys, Doors and WindowsKey AccessIf the vehicle has the Key AccessSystem, there is no key in thetransmitter.Notice: If the transmitter does nothave a button near the base, donot pull on the chrome base ofthe transmitter. Pulling on thebase of this transmitter coulddamage it.This vehicle may have the KeyAccess System or a Keyless AccessSystem. See Remote Keyless Entry(RKE) System Operation (KeyAccess) on page 2‑5 or RemoteKeyless Entry (RKE) SystemOperation (Keyless Access) onpage 2‑7 for more information. SeeIgnition Positions (Key Access) onpage 9‑16 or Ignition Positions(Keyless Access) on page 9‑18 forinformation on starting the vehicle.See your dealer if a new key isneeded.Notice: If the keys get locked inthe vehicle, it may have to bedamaged to get them out. Alwayscarry a spare key.Contact Roadside Service if you arelocked out of the vehicle. SeeRoadside Service on page 13‑7.Remote Keyless Entry(RKE) SystemSee Radio Frequency Statement onpage 13‑18 for information regardingPart 15 of the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC)rules and Industry CanadaStandards RSS-210/220/310.If there is a decrease in the RKEoperating range:. Check the distance. Thetransmitter may be too far fromthe vehicle.. Check the location. Othervehicles or objects may beblocking the signal.. Check the transmitter's battery.See “Battery Replacement” laterin this section.. If the transmitter is still notworking correctly, see yourdealer or a qualified technicianfor service.