5-52 Instruments and ControlsEntry/Exit RecallIf the vehicle has this feature, itallows you to select your preferredautomatic recall of stored memoryand exit positions. See the “MemorySeat, Mirrors, and Steering Column”information under Power SeatAdjustment on page 3‑4 for moreinformation.Press the customization button untilEntry/Exit Recall appears on theDIC display. Press the set/resetbutton once to access the settingsfor this feature. Then press themenu up/down button to scrollthrough the following settings.To select a setting, press the set/reset button while the desiredsetting is displayed on the DIC.Entry/Exit Recall Off (default): Noautomatic Entry/Exit Recall willoccur when entering or leaving thevehicle. The Exit recall will onlyoccur after pressing the doormounted EXIT button. This buttonwill cause the drivers seat to moverearward a certain distance, and thesteering column to move full up andfull forward, if equipped. EntryRecall will only occur by pressingthe door mounted “1” or “2” button.Entry/Exit Recall On (Vehicleswithout Power SteeringColumn): If this setting is selectedthe following option will be available.Easy Exit will automatically movethe driver seat rearward a certaindistance when the key is removedfrom the ignition on Key Accessvehicles, or when the ignition isturned off and the driver dooropened on Keyless Accessvehicles. This movement will alsooccur when the door mounted EXITbutton is pressed.Easy Entry will automatically recallthe driver seat and outside mirrormemory positions of the currentdriver (1 or 2) when the ignition isturned on.Entry/Exit Recall On (Vehicleswith Power Steering Column): Ifthis setting is selected the followingtwo options will be available.. Entry/Exit Steering and Seat:Easy Exit will automaticallymove the steering column to afull up and full forward positionand move the driver seatrearward a certain distancewhen the key is removed fromthe ignition on Key Accessvehicles, or when the ignition isturned off and the driver dooropened on Keyless Accessvehicles. These movements willalso occur when the doormounted EXIT button is pressed.Easy Entry will automaticallyrecall the driver seat, outsidemirrors and steering columnmemory positions of the currentdriver (1 or 2) when the ignitionis turned on.