9-58 Driving and OperatingSafety ChainsAlways attach chains between thevehicle and the trailer. Cross thesafety chains under the tongue ofthe trailer to help prevent the tonguefrom contacting the road if itbecomes separated from the hitch.Leave enough slack so the rig canturn. Never allow safety chains todrag on the ground.Trailer BrakesDoes the trailer have its ownbrakes? Be sure to read and followthe instructions for the trailer brakesso they are installed, adjusted, andmaintained properly.Because the vehicle has antilockbrakes, do not tap into the vehicle'sbrake system. If this is done, bothbrake systems will not work well,or at all.Conversions andAdd-OnsAdd-On ElectricalEquipmentNotice: Do not add anythingelectrical to the vehicle unlessyou check with your dealer first.Some electrical equipment candamage the vehicle and thedamage would not be covered bythe vehicle's warranty. Someadd-on electrical equipment cankeep other components fromworking as they should.Add-on equipment can drain thevehicle 12‐volt battery, even if thevehicle is not operating.The vehicle has an airbag system.Before attempting to add anythingelectrical to the vehicle, seeServicing the Airbag-EquippedVehicle on page 3‑42 and AddingEquipment to the Airbag-EquippedVehicle on page 3‑42.