Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-9367723) -2016 - CRC - 10/9/15Instruments and Controls 133Use the following settings to adjustthe HUD.$ (Image Adjustment) : Pressdown or lift up to centre the HUDimage. The HUD image can only beadjusted up and down, not sideto side.! (Display View) : Press toselect the display view. Each presswill change the display view.D (Image Brightness) : Lift upand hold to brighten the display.Press down and hold to dim thedisplay. Hold down to turn thedisplay off.The HUD image will automaticallydim and brighten to compensate foroutside lighting. The HUDbrightness control can also beadjusted as needed.The HUD image can temporarilylight up depending on the angle andposition of the sunlight on the HUDdisplay. This is normal.Polarised sunglasses could makethe HUD image harder to see.HUD ViewsThere are four views in the HUD.Some vehicle information andvehicle messages or alerts may bedisplayed in any view.Speed View : This display gives thespeedometer reading (in English ormetric units), speed limit, LaneDeparture Warning, and VehicleAhead indicator. Some informationonly appears on vehicles that havethese features, and when they areactive.Audio/Phone View : This displaysthe speed view along with audio/phone information. The current radiostation, media type, and incomingcalls will be displayed when activeon vehicles equipped with thesefeatures.All HUD views may briefly displayaudio information when the driveruses the steering wheel controls toadjust the audio settings appearingin the instrument cluster.Incoming phone calls appearing inthe instrument cluster, may alsodisplay in any HUD view.Navigation View : This displayincludes the information in thespeed view along with Turn-by-TurnNavigation information in some