Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-9367723) -2016 - CRC - 10/9/15306 Vehicle CareThe pressure gauge (3) willinitially show a high pressurewhile the compressor pushesthe sealant into the tyre. Oncethe sealant is completelydispersed into the tyre, thepressure will quickly drop andstart to rise again as the tyreinflates with air only.10. Inflate the tyre to therecommended inflationpressure using the pressuregauge (3). The recommendedinflation pressure can be foundon the Tyre and LoadingInformation label. See TyrePressure 0 289.The pressure gauge (3) mayread higher than the actual tyrepressure while the compressoris on. Turn the compressor offto get an accurate pressurereading. The compressor maybe turned on/off until thecorrect pressure is reached.CautionIf the recommended pressurecannot be reached afterapproximately 25 minutes, thevehicle should not be drivenfarther. The tyre is too severelydamaged and the tyre sealantand compressor kit cannot inflatethe tyre. Remove the power plugfrom the accessory power outletand unscrew the inflating hosefrom the tyre valve.11. Press the on/off button (2) toturn the tyre sealant andcompressor kit off.The tyre is not sealed and willcontinue to leak air until thevehicle is driven and thesealant is distributed in thetyre, therefore, Steps 12–18 must be done immediatelyafter Step 11.Be careful while handling thetyre sealant and compressor kitas it could be warm afterusage.12. Unplug the power plug (8) fromthe accessory power outlet inthe vehicle.13. Turn the sealant/air hose (6)anticlockwise to remove it fromthe tyre valve stem.14. Replace the tyre valvestem cap.15. Replace the sealant/air hose(6), and the power plug (8)back in their original location.16. If the flat tyre was able toinflate to the recommendedinflation pressure, remove themaximum speed label from thesealant canister (5) and place itin a highly visible location. Donot exceed the speed on thislabel until the damaged tyre isrepaired or replaced.