Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-9367723) -2016 - CRC - 10/9/1572 Seats and RestraintsHere are the most important thingsto know about the airbag system:{ WarningYou can be severely injured orkilled in a crash if you are notwearing your safety belt, evenwith airbags. Airbags aredesigned to work with safetybelts, not replace them. Also,airbags are not designed to inflatein every crash. In some crashessafety belts are the only restraint.See When Should an AirbagInflate? 0 74.Wearing your safety belt during acrash helps reduce the chance ofhitting things inside the vehicle orbeing ejected from it. Airbags are“supplemental restraints” to thesafety belts. Everyone in thevehicle should wear a safety beltproperly, whether or not there isan airbag for that person.{ WarningBecause airbags inflate with greatforce and faster than the blink ofan eye, anyone who is upagainst, or very close to anyairbag when it inflates can beseriously injured or killed. Do notsit unnecessarily close to anyairbag, as you would be if sittingon the edge of the seat or leaningforward. Safety belts help keepyou in position before and duringa crash. Always wear a safetybelt, even with airbags. The drivershould sit as far back as possiblewhile still maintaining control ofthe vehicle. The seat belts andthe front outboard passengerairbags are most effective whenyou are sitting well back andupright in the seat with both feeton the floor.Occupants should not lean on orsleep against the door or sidewindows in seating positions withseat-mounted side impact airbagsand/or roof-rail airbags.{ WarningChildren who are up against,or very close to, any airbag whenit inflates can be seriously injuredor killed. Always secure childrenproperly in the vehicle. To readhow, see Older Children 0 83 orInfants and Young Children 0 85.There is an airbag readiness lighton the instrument cluster, whichshows the airbag symbol. Thesystem checks the airbag electricalsystem for malfunctions. The lighttells you if there is an electricalproblem. See Airbag ReadinessLight 0 118 for more information.