Cadillac CTS/CTS-V Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-Europe-9367723) -2016 - CRC - 10/9/15140 Instruments and Controls. Heavy rain or snow is interferingwith the object detectionperformance.This message may also bedisplayed if there is a problem withthe StabiliTrak system. See TractionControl/Electronic StabilityControl 0 209.FORWARD COLLISIONALERT OFFThis message displays when theForward Collision Alert has beenturned off.FRONT CAMERA BLOCKEDCLEAN WINDSCREENThis message displays when thecamera is blocked. Cleaning theoutside of the windscreen behindthe rearview mirror may correct theissue. The Lane Keep Assist (LKA)and the Lane Departure Warning(LDW) system will not operate.Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC),Forward Collision Alert (FCA), andthe Front Automatic Braking (FAB)System may not work or may notwork as well.LANE CHANGE ALERT OFFThis message indicates that thedriver has turned the Side BlindZone Alert (SBZA) and LaneChange Alert (LCA) systems off.LANE KEEPING ASSISTUNAVAILABLEThis message displays when theLane Keep Assist (LKA) and LaneDeparture Warning (LDW) system istemporarily unavailable. The LKAsystem does not need service.This message could be due to thecamera being blocked. Cleaning theoutside of the windscreen behindthe rearview mirror may correct theissue.PARK ASSIST OFFThis message displays when theParking Assist system has beenturned off or when there is atemporary condition causing thesystem to be disabled.SERVICE AUTOMATICCOLLISION PREPIf this message displays, take thevehicle to your dealer to repair thesystem. Adaptive Cruise Control(ACC), Forward Collision Alert(FCA), and/or the Front AutomaticBraking (FAB) System may notwork. Do not use these systemsuntil the vehicle has been repaired.SERVICE DRIVER ASSISTSYSTEMIf this message displays, take thevehicle to your dealer to repair thesystem.Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC),Forward Collision Alert (FCA), theFront Automatic Braking (FAB)System, Assistance Systems forParking or Reversing, and/or theLane Keep Assist (LKA) systemmay not work. Do not use thesesystems until the vehicle has beenrepaired.