100 SEATS AND RESTRAINTSinstalling a forward-facing childrestraint, it may be helpful to useyour knee to push down on thechild restraint as you tightenthe belt.If the child restraint system hasa lock-off mechanism, use it tosecure the vehicle’s seat belt.5. If the child restraint has a toptether, follow the child restraintmanufacturer's instructionsregarding the use of the toptether. See Lower Anchors andTethers for Children (LATCHSystem) 0 93.6. Before placing a child in thechild restraint, make sure it issecurely held in place. Push andpull the child restraint indifferent directions to be sure itis secure.To remove the child restraint,unbuckle the vehicle seat belt and letit return to the stowed position. If thetop tether is attached to a top tetheranchor, disconnect it.Securing Child Restraints(With the Seat Belt in theFront Seat)This vehicle has airbags. A rear seat isa safer place to secure aforward-facing child restraint. SeeWhere to Put the Restraint 0 92.In addition, the vehicle has apassenger sensing system which isdesigned to turn off the frontoutboard passenger frontal airbag andknee airbag under certain conditions.See Passenger Sensing System 0 80 andPassenger Airbag Status Indicator 0 125for more information, includingimportant safety information.Never put a rear-facing child seat inthe front. This is because the risk tothe rear-facing child is so great, if theairbag deploys.{ WarningA child in a rear-facing childrestraint can be seriously injured orkilled if the front outboard(Continued)Warning (Continued)passenger frontal airbag inflates.This is because the back of therear-facing child restraint would bevery close to the inflating airbag.A child in a forward-facing childrestraint can be seriously injured orkilled if the front outboardpassenger frontal airbag inflatesand the passenger seat is in aforward position.Even if the passenger sensingsystem has turned off the frontoutboard passenger airbag(s), nosystem is fail-safe. No one canguarantee that an airbag will notdeploy under some unusualcircumstance, even though theairbag(s) are off.Secure rear-facing child restraintsin a rear seat, even if the airbag(s)are off. If you secure aforward-facing child restraint in thefront outboard passenger seat,(Continued)