DRIVING AND OPERATING 215following gap. The range of selectablegaps may not be appropriate for alldrivers and driving conditions.Changing the gap settingautomatically changes the alert timingsensitivity (Far, Medium, or Near) forthe Forward Collision Alert (FCA)feature. See Forward Collision Alert(FCA) System 0 227.Alerting the DriverWithout Head-Up DisplayWith Head-Up DisplayIf ACC is engaged, driver action maybe required when ACC cannot applysufficient braking because ofapproaching a vehicle too rapidly.When this condition occurs, a seriesof red lights or the collision alertsymbol on the HUD, if equipped, willflash on the windshield. Either eightbeeps will sound from the front,or both sides of the Safety Alert Seatwill pulse five times. See “Collision/Detection Systems” under VehiclePersonalization 0 142.See Defensive Driving 0 174.Approaching and Following aVehicleThe vehicle ahead indicator is in theinstrument cluster and HUD display,if equipped.The vehicle ahead indicator onlydisplays when a vehicle is detected inyour vehicle’s path moving in thesame direction.If this indicator is not displaying, ACCwill not respond to or brake tovehicles ahead.ACC automatically slows the vehicledown and adjusts vehicle speed tofollow the vehicle in front at theselected follow gap. The vehicle speedincreases or decreases to follow thevehicle in front of you, but will notexceed the set speed. It may applylimited braking, if necessary. Whenbraking is active, the brake lamps will