DRIVING AND OPERATING 233when a trailer is towed. Use cautionwhile changing lanes when towing atrailer. LCA may alert to objectsattached to the vehicle, such as atrailer, bicycle, or object extending outto either side of the vehicle. Attachedobjects may also interfere with thedetection of vehicles. This is normalsystem operation; the vehicle does notneed service.LCA may not always alert the driver tovehicles in the next lane over,especially in wet conditions or whendriving on sharp curves. The systemdoes not need to be serviced. Thesystem may light up due to guardrails,signs, trees, shrubs, and othernon-moving objects. This is normalsystem operation; the vehicle does notneed service.LCA may not operate when the LCAsensors in the left or right corners ofthe rear bumper are covered withmud, dirt, snow, ice, or slush, or inheavy rainstorms. For cleaninginstructions, see "Washing theVehicle" under Exterior Care 0 311.If the DIC still displays the systemunavailable message after cleaningboth sides of the vehicle toward therear corners of the vehicle, see yourdealer.If the LCA displays do not light upwhen moving vehicles are in the sideblind zone or rapidly approaching thiszone and the system is clean, thesystem may need service. Take thevehicle to your dealer.Lane DepartureWarning (LDW)If equipped, LDW may help avoidcrashes due to unintentional lanedepartures. It may provide a warningif the vehicle is crossing a detectedlane marking without using a turnsignal in the lane departure direction.Since this system is part of the LaneKeep Assist (LKA) system, read theentire LKA section before using thisfeature.Lane Keep Assist (LKA)If equipped, LKA may help avoidcrashes due to unintentional lanedepartures. It may assist by gentlyturning the steering wheel if thevehicle approaches a detected lanemarking without using a turn signal inthat direction. It may also provide aLane Departure Warning (LDW)system alert as the lane marking iscrossed. The LKA system will notassist or provide an LDW alert if itdetects that you are actively steering.Override LKA by turning the steeringwheel. LKA uses a camera to detectlane markings between 60 km/h (37mph) and 180 km/h (112 mph).{ WarningThe LKA system does notcontinuously steer the vehicle.It may not keep the vehicle in thelane or give a Lane DepartureWarning (LDW) alert, even if a lanemarking is detected.The LKA and LDW systemsmay not:. Provide an alert or enoughsteering assist to avoid a lanedeparture or crash.(Continued)