COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR105 REV.0 JULY 2001CHAPTER 2 NEW FUNCTIONS2-1107.4 Transparency ModeTo prevent wrapping of a transparency around the fixing roller (thus causing the transpar-ency to melt because of heat of the fixing roller), the fixing roller temperature is reduced intransparency mode. F02-704-01 shows the sequence of operation used in transparencymode:F02-704-01COPIRE>OPTION>BODY>OHP-TEMP(changing the temperature settings for the transparency mode)0: 198°C (default)1: 193°C2: 188°C3: 183°CWAIT message GREEN GREENREDFixing motor (M3)Main heater (H1)Sub heater (H2)STBY INTR PRINT LSTR STBYTransparencymode selectedStart keyON205ºC200ºC198ºC193ºCTransparency temperatureControlled to 198ºC Controlled to 198ºCIdly rotated until the surfacetemperature of the fixing rollerlowers to transparency temperature.200V: 185ºC208V/230V: 195ºCControlled to 185ºC (200V) or 195ºC (208/230V)