COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR105 REV.0 JULY 2001CHAPTER 2 NEW FUNCTIONS2-22b-2 Removing the No. 1 Mirror Case Flexible CableDo not disconnect the connector(connected to the No. 1 mirrorbase) of the flexible cable un-less you are replacing the No. 1mirror base. (Clean the mirrorwithout detaching the cable.)1) Remove the right glass retainer. (2screws)2) Remove the copyboard.3) Move the No. 1 mirror base [1] to thecenter.When moving the mirror base,be sure not to touch the mirroror the lamp or impose force toavoid dirt or damage.F02-209-204) Peel off the Warning label [1] from theflexible cable [2].F02-209-21[1][1][2]