INTRODUCTIONCOPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR105 REV.0 JULY 2001ii2 Outline of the ManualThis Service Manual provides basic facts and figures about the iR105 and the side paperdeck designed as an accessory to the copier; use the information for servicing the machinein the field, thus ensuring the initial product quality.For the DADF and other accessories, separate service manuals are made available for in-formation, refer to their respective manuals.This Service Manual consists of the following chapters:Chapter 1 Introduction: features, specifications, names of parts, operation of the ma-chineChapter 2 New Functions: differences from the GP605 (iR600) in terms of various mecha-nisms, disassembly/assembly of mechanical systemsChapter 3 Main Controller: outline of the main controllerChapter 4 Installation: requirements for the site of installation, installation procedure,relocation procedures, and installation of accessoriesChapter 5 Maintenance and Inspection:periodically replaced parts, consumables and durables tables,scheduled servicing chartChapter 6 Troubleshooting: standards, adjustments, arrangement of electrical components,troubleshooting image faults, troubleshooting malfunctions,upgradingAppendix: general timing chart, general circuit diagramService ModesError CodesThe contents of this Service Manual are subject to change for product improvement, andmajor changes will be communicated in the form of Service Information bulletins.All service persons are expected to be familar with the contents of this Service Manualand the Service Information bulletins, equipping themselves with the ability to isolate andcorrect possible faults in the machine.