CHAPTER 6 TROUBLESHOOTING6-106 COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR105 REV.0 JULY 20014.1.37 E241Mounting1) Is the original orientation detection PCB mounted firmly?NO: Mount it firmly.Reader controller PCB2) Try replacing the original orientation PCB. Is the problem cor-rected?YES: End.NO: Replace the rear controller PCB.4.1.38 E243Controller PCB1) Turn off and then on the power switch.YES: End.NO: Replace the controller PCB.Control panel PCB2) Try replacing the control panel PCB. Is the problem corrected?YES: End.4.1.39 E251Foreign matter1) Is there foreign matter that prevents the rotation of the invertercooling fan?YES: Remove the foreign matter.Connector2) Is the connector J1110 on the reader controller PCB connectedfirmly?NO: Connect it firmly.Inverter cooling fan (FM9), Reader controller PCB3) Try replacing the inverter cooling fan (FM9). Is the problem cor-rected?NO: End.YES: Replace the reader controller PCB.